Decathlon has been accepted by the GiveActions ethical selection committee (see detailed report) hither). In order to use positive advertising. And to highlight its new rental offer.
As a reminder, positive advertising selects advertisers according to their positive impact and allocates a percentage of the budget to an association. The objective is to change advertising codes and to respond to environmental and social challenges.
Below is a summary of this positive advertising campaign.
The Decathlon rental offer in detail
Decathlon therefore launched a rental offer in Belgium in May. Several products can thus be rented rather than purchased. This is the aim of the functional economy. Focus on use rather than possession. When you know that the main CO2 impact comes from the manufacture of products, you realize the importance of this type of project.
Decathlon is committed to ensuring that each product has a minimum of 150 days of use. As soon as a product is dirty, damaged or broken, it is reconditioned, repaired and/or washed to be rented again (in perfect working condition of course). If it is really no longer possible to rent it, it is either put on sale second-hand, or recycled or upcycled. The objective is of course to increase the rental life as much as possible.
Decathlon estimates that 50% of CO2 emissions will be saved on average with this system rather than with one-off purchases. Obviously, if you use a product regularly and take care of it, then it is best to buy it (typically for regular cyclists). On the other hand, for a tent used once a year or even less, this is clearly interesting from an ecological point of view.
A campaign that supports the Sport2be association
Positive advertising also supports an association. 10% of the advertising budget is donated to it. The one chosen by Decathlon is Sport2Be. By watching Decathlon's advertising, you are therefore making it possible to financially support this association.
Sport2Be is a Belgian non-profit organization that facilitates the social and professional integration of young people in difficulty through sport. 420,000 young people live under the poverty line in Belgium. Sport2Be wants to restore equal opportunities to allow everyone to develop. And sport is a springboard for these young people to enter the workforce.
Their advertising spot (to be found hither) is broadcast during the end of May on the Auvio platform of RTBF, one of GiveActions' partner media. Who is changing the advertising codes with us.
Congratulations to all of you for your commitments for a more just and sustainable world.
More information on the Decathlon rental service hither
More information on Sport2Be hither