Our biggest dream when we launch a marketing campaign is for people to see our advertising, find our proposal incredible and go and do what we suggest in the ad directly. The truth is that it rarely happens that way. Most of the time, we need our message to reach the person several times, that they feel concerned and that they consider our brand/organization to be credible. For this, a single advertisement is not enough. All the tools that we integrate into our marketing funnel will push for the success of our objective (social networks, website, boxes, customer appointments, newsletters, etc...). We are in the era of cross-marketing, each marketing campaign will have a specific objective. This can be visibility, credibility, awareness, intention to buy, etc... We must therefore define this objective in advance and integrate monitoring KPIs (number of views, number of visits to the website, number of visits to the website, number of additional subscribers to our social networks, number of additional subscribers to our social networks, number of appointments made, etc...). So don't burn the steps. Work on your entire marketing funnel and create different campaigns for each stage of the funnel.
Also, you don't have to want to touch everyone. The larger and more imprecise your target, the more you will pay to reach people who are likely not to be interested in your value proposition, your products, your values. It is therefore important to define in advance who are the people who could be interested in what you offer.
Doing a major advertising campaign on social networks or on major media is great because you can quickly show yourself to your target audience. But if you haven't properly prepared the path people will take after seeing your ad, you will lose them and have lost money.
Before launching an advertising campaign, you should always check and test that everything is ready on your channels (website, social networks, blog, payment stage,...) so that interested people can take information and get to the stage you want them to reach. For example, if you launch an advertisement for a new ecological product, be sure to talk about it clearly on your website and social networks. And to have added testimonials and social proof to your site and to have effective calls-to-actions with an easy payment process. For the person to find their way around, be convinced, and not get lost. If she came to get more information, it was because she was interested in your message. Make sure she can do it easily.
It may sound sad to say, but the most important thing in a video ad is the first 5 seconds. This is when you will interest your audience and they will want to follow and understand the rest of your message. If he only really understands the added value after 10-15 seconds, he will have already been defocused and will not have followed the message carefully.
Make sure that these first 5 seconds quickly highlight the interest of the ad for the target audience. And find a “catchy” way to talk about it!
The second most important part of a commercial video is the last few seconds. Your final message needs to push the person to follow the path you want them to take. This could be “Visit our website”, “Find us in XXX stores”, “Follow us on social networks”. In any case, let him understand where to go if he is interested. Don't leave it drifting.
Today, we all have doubts about advertising. Especially for committed brands. With all the stories of greenwashing that have reached our ears, we no longer trust the messages that are given to us in the ads. In a society where perfection is always highly valued, we are increasingly looking for honesty. Talking about its imperfection as a committed brand will be seen as a sign of trust (and with good reason!) towards the brand. It's okay if you're not zero waste. Explain what you are doing well and what you still have to work on. Your audience will thank you for it and trust you.
Do you want to launch an advertising campaign for major Belgian media, at reduced prices? Contact us!